Thursday, March 5, 2009

High Tide (kind of a preview)

The Gnomes (or at least some of them) are leaving this weekend for a spring break tournament in Jekyll Island, GA. I'd write a long, detailed tourney preview but it's not really about the games. We're going to have fun and if we win some games along the way, that would be nice. I'll write something up when we get back which will probably be full of good stuff but for now here's a list of who's going, and their favorite animal:

Goober - Monkey
Peteo - Bear mixed with Monkey
ROOKIE - Regular Bear
Stuart Huizengar - German Shepherd
Reynolds - Shane
Basia - Animated Penguins
Emblebee - White and Black Striped Horses
Padula - All of Them
Vicius - Rhinoceros!
Hollywood - Dog
Shane - Toytle
Amy K - Salamanders
William Joel - Yoda
T-Dig - Giraffes
Brett Favre - Sprite
Cole Lucas - Owl
Samantha - Pterodactyl
Michelle - Teddy Bear
Smashica - SOSOs (Sea Otter Shaped Objects)
Rachel - Crabs
Colleen - Koala
Ashley Betke - Monkeys (because they get rid of the bananas)
Me - LionSharks, duh (also cows and cheetahs)

p.s. I'm leaving early with a few others and stopping in Nashvegas and Hotlanta. Can't wait for all the stories that are bound to come out of this trip. Have a great break everybody, even if you're not going on the best trip ever with us.


  1. were you just thirsty when you got to my favorite animal?


    ps. LionShark blog was the featured blog on Feb. 20th i believe...i saw it in english today

  2. You saw it english? like in english class?

  3. My sole prediction:

    At least one person calls Afryl each night and he cries himself to sleep.

  4. yes like english class


How many pointless commas did I use in the last post?

Are you a Space Panda?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

New Cu1timate format

Should we go back to High Tide next year?

Who will get into the most trouble in GA or on the way?

Quickest dude:

Which tournament would you rather attend this spring?

How many beers have you had this weekend?

Which offense is the most effective in the college game?

How often do you read RSD?

Which tournament can't we miss this spring?

How would you like to see our last week of indoor practice time used?

Which is better, UPA or NCUA/Cultimate