Monday, January 19, 2009

Today I missed practice for the 3rd time due to my knee injury, and it's beginning to get old. I had been replacing the team track workouts with lap swimming, but when I got to the Metcalf pool tonight at 7:30 (when they're supposed to be opening), they actually closing. I went home and tried to think of something to do to get some cardio in without using my right knee, but I couldn't think of anything. After a few minutes of frustration, I happened upon Zip's Tips, which is something I used to often when bored. I replaced the cardio I was missing with his tip from December 20th. It felt good to do something, but I'm still hoping to be able to run before the Knox Indoor (2 weeks...doesn't look good). The point is, if you've forgotten about Zip's Tips, revisit them. They're great.

1 comment:

How many pointless commas did I use in the last post?

Are you a Space Panda?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

New Cu1timate format

Should we go back to High Tide next year?

Who will get into the most trouble in GA or on the way?

Quickest dude:

Which tournament would you rather attend this spring?

How many beers have you had this weekend?

Which offense is the most effective in the college game?

How often do you read RSD?

Which tournament can't we miss this spring?

How would you like to see our last week of indoor practice time used?

Which is better, UPA or NCUA/Cultimate